A preconception Plus visit is aimed at those who are planning to conceive. During this a 45-minute visit with one of our midwives, we’ll discuss optimal pregnancy health and preparation. This visit also includes a lab panel, nutrition and supplementation counseling and review of fertility awareness around conception. You will also have time to ask questions and hear more about the type of care we offer for pregnant people. The cost of this visit is $250.00.


We offer free phone consultations for those who are interested in receiving care from our practice. During this 30 minute session, we’ll explain what care looks like at the Midwives Cooperative and answer any questions you may have. To schedule a free orientation, call 352-377-3879 or click below.


A four module series of childbirth preparation classes can be taken in your second or third trimester of pregnancy. These classes will be in a group setting and prepare you for labor, birth, postpartum, breastfeeding and the new baby. The cost of this series is $100.


We serve the North Central Florida area – including Gainesville and surrounding areas, Ocala…and several places we had never even heard of before becoming Midwives! As long as your place is within thirty minutes of a hospital with labor and delivery services and within an hour or so from us, we can travel for your home birth. Your prenatal visits will happen at our office in downtown Gainesville, but we’ll come to you for your birth, and your first two postpartum visits!

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Your Midwives are available 24 hours a day – when calling you will reach a Midwife directly. Appointment times are flexible.


Midwifery is a cost-effective care option and we believe that midwifery care should be accessible to everyone. We currently accept Sunshine medicaid and are in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield. We offer a 5% discount for fees paid in full by cash at the initiation of care. Payment plans are also available.